good employees can be worth much more than they cost you, if only because they let you scale your business up beyond the limits of a single person. There are only so many hours in the day, and remember: you need to spend your time doing only the tasks that bring the highest value to the company. It’s been said that it’s worth more to Bill Gates to go about his business than to take the time to pick up a hundred dollar bill he sees on the street. Wouldn’t you like to have that kind of problem? If you do decide to have employees, surround yourself with a core group of people who are super-talented where you’re weak, or are good at the things that don’t compensate you as profitably as your high-value tasks. For example, you can hire a manager and let them manage, while you focus on marketing; and it’s always a good idea to hire someone to do basic office chores and errands. At any rate, find the very best people you can and pay them what they’re worth to you. Then hold onto them tight, and don’t let them go! Once that core group of staffers is in place, you can hire new people, and temporary help, as needed. While of course it’s best to treat your employees with respect and kindness, how far you go with that is up to you. Some marketers say you should fall in love with your team members and staff, just as you should with your clients. Others say you should be friendly with employees, but not be friends with them. I’d say to let your personality be the guide. Most of us will fall between the extremes of adoration and aloofness, depending on our personal and professional needs. One thing you certainly must do is learn to view personnel selection as a marketing function. As with most marketing functions, a good job of choosing the right employees can help you make money, while choosing bad ones can hurt you… and studies show that up to 75% of employees are mis-hires. Common hiring errors include hiring people that you like, or hiring people like you. You should never hire, or keep, an employee for purely emotional or egotistical reasons. A hiring error can cost you tens of thousands of dollars, even at a small business level (the average bad hire costs $60,000). So be extraordinarily careful; hire people on a trial basis, such as from a temp agency, and always have a 90-day probation period for new employees so you can weed out the bad or poorly-performing ones. You should never hesitate to get rid of people who are hurting your business or just aren’t producing. On the other hand, you also have to realize that not everyone you hire is going to be a superstar. Remember, the important thing is results, not whether or not your employees are all strong, good-looking, and above average, to paraphrase Garrison Keillor’s judgment of his Lake Woebegone characters. Businesses that hire only “extraordinary” people will fail, because there aren’t enough in the world. You’re not going to build a great business if you have to depend upon great people. You have to figure on hiring ordinary people, average joes and janes. They’ll be good at some things but bad at others, and they probably won’t share your philosophical mindset, either. But it’s ordinary people in combination with extraordinary systems and leverage that will get your results. You can’t expect a quarter-horse to win the Kentucky Derby. You have to appreciate them for what they are, not become frustrated when they don’t produce like Seattle Slew or Secretariat. While this analogy may be somewhat less than endearing, it does get the point stylish way to become fit through normal daily activities is now
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