How Hot Dates Can Save Your Relationship

Remember the excitement of looking forward to your Friday night out. Remember the special arrangements, the planning of what to wear how to look and buying new stuff to impress?

The 'end of dating' point is a significant milestone (or millstone?) in any relationship. The balance of time spent in each other's company is greater than that spent separately.

But consider for a moment the things you give up when you stop dating; the joy of anticipation, the excitement of the unknown and the pleasure of planning and preparing to make your date a special time.

It is almost as if we do not have to try anymore and so we can settle down to the stereotypical relationship pattern that leads to boredom and problems. You should think about starting to date again, but with your partner of course.

Recreate those special occasions so that you can enjoy again the excitement of anticipation and the stimulation of something new. A happy life is all about pleasurable experiences giving us precious memories to relive time and again.

In your relationship you two are the four principals in your own unique life 'movie'. You are the writers, the directors, the producers and the actors.
There is a once only showing of this movie with no sequels and no second takes. It is up to you whether it is a blockbuster or 'B' movie.

So how about a planned meeting on a special place so as to try a new restaurant for lunch?

Or how about a stolen afternoon of bowling, golf or ice skating where you take it in turns to plan the surprise and make arrangements in secret.

Don't just wait for birthdays or the anniversary, make it a weekly event.

For a dating event to be special does not mean it has to cost a lot. It just requires thought and consideration of your partners' values.

Browsing bookshops, art exhibitions, museums or street entertainment can be just as special as the visit to your honeymoon hotel for a pampered weekend.

You know you haven't lost the art of seduction just because you live with the object of your desire.

So when you feel that your relationship is on the autopilot of Mundane Airways it is time to be proactive in order to save your relationship and put the joys of dating back into your lives.

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Par homemyweb le vendredi 01 juillet 2011


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