"Old Wave" is the story of a 1980s pop band named Magenta Nun, with one-and-a-half hits to its credit, and whose members reunite after 25 years to record a new album, and take part in a tour featuring "the cream of the mediocre crop" of bands from the New Wave era. Magenta Nun's comic misadventures are full of eccentric characters, snappy dialogue, and unexpected plot twists and turns, as the band forges ahead with its comeback. Affordable
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Emerging markets produced another strong quarter, but one that was more in line with developed market returns than was the case during the second quarter of 2009, as the MSCI Emerging Market IMI Index rose 21.30% for the third quarter. Both developed and emerging markets were driven higher by the strong performance of European equity markets, while Asian markets, particularly in Japan, lagged.
Garry Berman is the author of three non-fiction books. His book "
Best of the Britcoms" (newly revised and updated), celebrates the finest British situation comedies to air throughout the U.S. since the mid-1970s. Berman's oral history of the Beatlemania era, "
We're Going to See the Beatles!" contains interviews with over 40 people from across the country who were swept up in the hysteria during the Beatles' historic American tours in the mid-1960s. He has also completed the (soon to be published) first biography of legendary comedian Ed Wynn, currently titled – “
Perfect Fool: The
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