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you love perfumes? Do you love to play with your perfume choices from time to time? Do you have a perfume range to fit your mood and the occasion you are attending? Choosing the right perfume for each and every occasion can be very expensive. However, because you will need to exude a different personality when the occasion warrants, it is necessary that you have at least four types of perfume in your perfume wardrobe.

Yes, perfume wardrobe. Buying and using perfume is just like buying and using clothes that fit your mood and the occasion you are using it for.

Some people use perfume as a uniform, they use the same perfume in the office, in events and even during parties. Your friends will therefore know it is you by your smell. If this is what you want, it is not what experts recommend, though.

Experts believe that perfumes are affected by many factors, such as:

• Personal factors - Health, mood and medication

Health including your pH balance, hormonal changes, medication affects your skin chemistry. Even, mood swings, which are intrinsic in a woman, affect her skin chemistry and thus the choice of perfume may vary depending on these factors.

• The weather - cold weather or hot weather

Cold weather intensifies the fragrance of your perfume. During cold weather, it is advisable that you choose lighter scent but apply it more often, just to keep you smelling good during the entire day or event, as the case may be.

During hot weather, your perfume will easily evaporate and thus you may need a little stronger one. You may also need to re-apply.
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• Occasions

There are occasions that you want to be as dressy as you can and thus your perfume needs to follow. For occasions that you may want to feel light and warm, you may choose lighter fragrance. This may however be dependent on your mood and the people that will be around you in these occasions.

If you are in a party where your office colleagues and close friends are around, you may choose a different scent from your day-to-day perfume.

If you will need to follow the advice of experts to have a variety of perfumes or a perfume wardrobe, it may be painful on your pocket.
To remedy your problem, I will recommend that you buy perfumes at a discount price. No, we are not suggesting you buy perfume in quantity during sale season. It will still cost you too much.

What I recommend is for you to hunt for discount perfumes online. Why online? Because on internet, competition is stiff. Perfume vendors compete for your purchase offering different sets of discounts like free shipping and other benefits. Benefits or special offers may be varying and you may need to check out as many options as possible.

Par homemyweb le vendredi 27 mai 2011


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