Ideas To Help Improve Your Singing Voice

Use your diaphragm when breathing, not the lungs. control the air that you're expelling when you sing, and breathing from the diaphragm provides you with more air to work with. To accomplish this, breathe so that your stomach goes out instead of your chest when you take in air. When you practice, do your best to focus on using the same amount of air for low notes and high notes. This will help erase the break between your registers and give you a tone which is steadier.

2. go through-a lot. This would be just like a guitar, and the human voice is not even as accurate than a guitar. You have to get your sense of pitch down, and you will have to train your voice to achieve a higher pitch if you want to really be precise with all the notes in your range.

3. Do not overwork your voice. Practice is okay, but don't try to sing too high or you might badly affect your voice box. Go slow and steady and you'll improve your singing fast. Start with one hour practice per day,l and extend if you are more comfortable. If you ever feel like your voice is tired, or if you feel soreness or pain, stop right away.

4. Take the advice of others. Singing well takes a long time, and in the meantime you're going to hear people say a lot of bad things about you. If you see a trend, recognize that people are probably making a good judgment and try to strive to be better on the problem aspect of your voice. Don't let anyone get you down who really has nothing to say other than, "you suck," though. They don't exist to you, and they have no idea what they're talking about.

5. Whenever you sing, record it. This is the only way to take note of your problem areas, because you can separate yourself from your voice and listen to your voice as other people hear you. You may not like this in the beginning, but keep at it; you'll improve vastly, and you'll start to notice stuff you like about your voice and really expand on those things.

6. Talk to better singers. A great number of them will be eager to give you some techniques and exercises that helped them out, and whenever you need to ask for directions, the best way is to ask the person that's already there.

7. eat healthy and get enough hydration. Don't do anything that may dry out your voice and will not allow you to sing well. Caffeine is not good, as is anything that causes thickening of mucous like dairy products (milk in particular is a very bad choice). Avoid too much cigarettes and alcohol; this can really affect your singing in a bad way. One well known case of booze and cigarettes damaging a classic voice is Harry Nilsson, who shred his voice box while working on his "Pussycats" album with John Lennon and ended up with a bucket to spit his blood into during the recording session. His awesome voice gradually became better and sounded great, but he never could sing quite as well again; his highest register was forever damaged.
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8. Sing for the kind of music that suits you. If you're singing country, listen to country singers; if you're singing rock, listen to rock singers. Take note of the things that are similar in each style and emulate those. Be mindful, however, to keep your voice your signature, and not to simply imitate another singer's voice. Make your uniqueness come out in your music.

9. Try out different sounds. Specific noises, like a really nasal note, can improve your range if you practice with them. Ask singers for their advice, and take them up on it.

10. Lastly, stay positive! If you've had some bad scales, that doesn't mean your voice is will not work out well all day. Take some warm tea and try again. Don't get down on yourself, and don't think that your voice is bad, otherwise it certainly will be. I know how stupid that sounds, but mindset is definitely a big part of singing, and if you don't think you sound good, no one else will either.

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Par homemyweb le jeudi 09 juin 2011


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