Most of the time when we speak of ears we mean the outer ear, the part that is visible on either side of our heads, known as the pinna or auricle. Pinnae or auricles come in all manner of shapes and sizes, but certain characteristics are shared by them all. Consisting of cartilage, they all have curves and folds that function to collect sound waves and channel them into the auditory or ear canal. Before going further, let's review the basic mechanism of sound. Sound is generated in the form of vibrating air molecules traveling in waves at about 740 miles per hour. Sound waves resemble the waves that spread on a pond's surface after tossing a rock into the water. We hear the sound as the waves are gathered by the pinna, or outer ear, which funnels the sound through the auditory canal, and then the wave applies pressure against the ear drum. From the ear drum, the energy is passed to the middle ear and inner ear, and then to the brain where it is processed as the sound we hear. With that overview before us, let's back up for more detail. When the auricle collects the sound from the atmosphere, it is channeled through the ear canal. The ear canal, which is approximately 1 inch long and 1/4 inch in diameter, serves to funnel the sound energy to the tympanic membrane or ear drum. There the pressure of the sound wave will press upon the eardrum according to the intensity of the vibration. The auditory canal is cleverly shaped as a funnel to focus the wave vibrations. Funnel shaped for transmitting sound, the ear canal is also sloped to prevent water from gathering near the tympanic membrane under normal conditions. The shape of the ear canal is wondrously designed, ideal for delivering sound and for minimizing infection within the outer ear. The external side of the tympanic membrane marks the innermost boundary of the outer ear. The thin, specialized skin membrane known as the eardrum divides the outer from the middle ear. Resembling a flat cone, the tympanic membrane transfers the vibrations of the sound wave to the mechanism within the middle ear. The ear drum is amazingly sensitive. When struck by the softest sound that can be heard by a healthy young adult, the tympanic membrane moves only 1 millionth of an inch or so. When you try to gain a mental picture of 1 millionth of an inch, you can begin to gain an appreciation for how truly wonderful our ears and hearing really are.
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When considering the outer ear and tinnitus, cerumen or earwax must be considered. Specialized glands provide the earwax for the ear canal. The purpose of cerumen is to lubricate and keep clean the interior part of the canal, and it helps to protect the canal from infection. As a cautionary note, cotton swabs and other implements should not be pushed into the auditory canals. Densely impacted ear wax is usually caused by pushing cotton swabs too deeply into the ears, while other implements can scratch the very thin layer of skin of the auditory canal, leaving it vulnerable to inflammation and infection. Generally, it is best to leave earwax inside the ear canal to serve its purpose. Under most conditions, cerumen constantly moves slowly toward the outer opening, where it can be safely removed for good hygiene. There are times for some people, especially late in life, when cerumen fails to function properly. In such cases, occasional cleaning of the ear canal may be necessary, preferably by a physician. But, for most of us, most of the time, only the outermost part of the canal needs cleaning. Whenever using cotton swabs to clean your ear canals, caution is advisable. Within the outer ears, tinnitus can arise in two common ways: impacted ear wax and inflammation or infection of the outer ear which is often called swimmer's ear. Both of these tinnitus causes can be identified easily and can be treated by the methods of conventional medicine.
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