illustrated with color photos, of the author's experiences and adventures, often with his wife, during 50 years of filming worldwide, from humorous to dangerous, arts & crafts, exotic foods, tribal customs, and ancient civilizations...from life in deserts, the arctic, south pacific islands, to tropical rainforests. This book is for the entire family, any age, a rare pleasure.
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Book Information:
The ByWAY is MyWAY: A Lifetime of Adventure
By Wayne Mitchell
Publisher: Compass Films
ISBN: 978-0-473-15440-0
Pages: 150
Published: January 2010
About The Author
The eclectic life of Award-winning film maker, Wayne Mitchell, has ranged from making feature films (Walter Matthau, Caesar Romero, Jeffery Hunter, Andy Devine), teaching at Miami University, a staff cameraman to J.F. Kennedy, war correspondent (Viet Nam, Kashmir, NBC), a National Park Ranger (Grand Teton, Rocky Mt. Nat. Parks), a Radio Announcer (KOA Denver), a TV Producer (Art Linkletter, Wonders of The World, Holiday USA, L.A. Confidential) and Educational film maker (50 social studies films). Mr. Mitchell was even a fashion photographer (New Z. Herald). And now he has published his 4th book.